Authenticated solar energy data directly from the source... so the world believes you.

Ouro is the marketplace for solar energy production data that ensures transparency and trust. The Ouro platform verifies the energy production data from individual solar panels, creating a unique data signature for each unit of energy produced.

See how we’re changing solar
By 2050, over 85% of the energy produced in the world is projected to be from sustainable sources, up from 27.2% in 2021.

Independent Solar Data

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Active Solar Farms
Total Solar Power
Total AC Power
740 GWh
Over 25 Years
PV Modules
Kilotons of CO2 Avoided

What makes Ouro different?

Traceable solar energy data on blockchain

Ouro aims to stand out as the sole marketplace that offers traceable solar energy data leveraging blockchain technology. It guarantees that data, be it related to energy production or performance metric, is securely stored in an unalterable format. It ensures that every data point is securely stored and cannot be manipulated or faked.

Global index for high performance

Ouro’s approach to data collection, management and supply will aim to become the benchmark for the renewable green energy industry and the global index for high performance in the energy sector. This index will provide insights into the best-performing solar farms worldwide, driving advancements in the renewable energy sector.

Comprehensive range of large-scale farm data

Offering an expansive range of large-scale farm data, our platform offers infallible data. This comprehensive database enables users to access and compare data from solar farms on a global scale. With this wealth of information at their disposal, users can gain unique insights into solar energy production trends.

Ouro is an exclusive platform

It enables users to interact with and compare data from solar farms all around the world. It empowers people to verify carbon credits that are linked to the production of solar energy at the individual level. By using this platform, people will have direct access to a wide range of global solar energy information.

How does it work?

The chipset, embedded within each solar panel and throughout the supply chain, independently captures crucial data points. These include time, date, location, humidity, resonant frequency, angle-of-inclination, temperature, and each panel’s sunlight-to-electron conversion efficiency.

Powered by the DComm Blockchain, this robust architecture can manage and secure the complex data set generated by the loT chipset, ensuring data integrity, transparency, and accessibility.

Learn more about the process

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Issues facing the solar energy sector. And how Ouro is taking on those challenges.

There is an obvious gap in authenticated processes and technology for storing, verifying, and tracking data. The five most common challenges that the renewable energy industry is facing have already been navigated by the Ouro team. Take a look at how we combat the recurring issues within the renewable energy industry.

Installation cost

Out of all the current renewable energy options of solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, ocean energy and bioenergy – solar and wind remain the lowest installation cost compared to other renewable energy options.

Lack of infrastructure

Ouro navigates this issue by having solar farms that have already been constructed or are in the process of construction. They have the team and resources to build their own infrastructure for years to come. Identifying and combating the lack of infrastructure in the industry is what sets Ouro aside.

Power storage

The solar farms will have large battery-powered storage. The energy captured will supply real-life information about each panel’s sunlight-to-electron conversion. This means solar farms can operate on solar power and transfer to batteries when sunlight is not present.

Non-renewable energy monopoly

Wind, solar and other renewable energy sources currently compete with the well-established fossil fuel industry. However, studies show the fossil fuel industry and its monopoly will inevitably drop with the increase of carbon emission awareness, global warming and the availability of more alternative renewable energy resources.

Lack of knowledge and awareness

There is a fundamental lack of knowledge within the renewable energy industry simply because it is newer than traditional energy sectors. With Ouro’s investment in superior technology, solar farms and the platform – it will become the leader in trustworthy information and data.

Ouro will revolutionize the renewable energy sector with our blockchain-based platform and make it the standard in data authenticity.

Partner with Ouro and join the
sustainable energy revolution.

Empowering solar ownership

Solar farm owners gain the ability to authenticate solar-energy-related carbon credits, thereby amplifying the credibility of their contribution to a greener future. Ouro’s dedication to data transparency and accountability will become the benchmark and reinforce trust in the renewable energy sector.

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Invest in solar energy

When you invest in Ouro, you're not just investing in a company. You're investing in the future of energy production. You're supporting the creation of a transparent and trustworthy renewable energy sector. You're promoting a future where data integrity in renewable energy is absolute.

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Are your carbon credits real?

Managed and secured by DComm Blockchain technologies, the Ouro architecture and platform guarantees data integrity, transparency and accessibility. Partnering with Ouro will be synonymous with supporting a future where renewable energy is viable and verified.

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