Partner with Ouro and join the
sustainable energy revolution.

Empowering solar ownership

Solar farm owners gain the ability to authenticate solar-energy-related carbon credits, thereby amplifying the credibility of their contribution to a greener future. Ouro’s dedication to data transparency and accountability will become the benchmark and reinforce trust in the renewable energy sector.

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Invest in solar energy

When you invest in Ouro, you're not just investing in a company; you're investing in the future of energy production. You're supporting the creation of a transparent and trustworthy renewable energy sector. You're promoting a future where data integrity in renewable energy is absolute.

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Are your carbon credits real?

Managed and secured by DComm Blockchain technologies, the Ouro architecture and platform guarantees data integrity, transparency and accessibility. Partnering with Ouro will be synonymous with supporting a future where renewable energy is viable and verified.

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We welcome any inquiries, feedback, and collaboration opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Gareth Beesley or Brett Endersby.

Gareth Beesley

CEO Ouro

+64 22 304 2700

Brett Endersby

CEO DComm Ventures and Infrastructure
+61 418 904 924