Ouro’s technology encapsulates our mission. Embedded smart meters within each solar panel and throughout our supply chain independently capture vital data points – including time, date, location, humidity, resonant frequency, angle-of-inclination, temperature and sunlight-to-electron conversion efficiency.

For Investors

For Solar Farm Owners

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Ouro standardize the verification and tracking of solar energy production data?
What does Ouro offer to stakeholders in the renewable energy sector?
How does Ouro’s platform benefit customers using carbon credits?
Why is now the best time to embrace Ouro’s platform?
Why are we building nanogrids?
What is a nanogrid? What does it do?
What does green energy mean?
What is the reason for measuring nanogrid & solar farm data?
My home country isn’t on the list of nanogrid markets on your website. Does that mean I can’t invest in local nanogrids?
What is the benefit of measuring data down to the specific panel?
What is the difference between existing & emerging markets when it comes to solar energy?
Why would you measure live data instead of historical data?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?

Get in touch.
Ouro aims to revolutionize the renewable energy sector with our blockchain-based platform and make it the standard in data authenticity.

Together we will ensure transparency, reliability and authentication of solar energy data. We will provide you with all the information you need to partner with the Ouro team and be a part of the sustainable energy revolution.

Schedule a phone chat or in-person meeting with Gareth Beesley, CEO of Ouro.

Partner with Ouro and join the
sustainable energy revolution.

Empowering solar ownership

Solar farm owners gain the ability to authenticate solar-energy-related carbon credits, thereby amplifying the credibility of their contribution to a greener future. Ouro’s dedication to data transparency and accountability will become the benchmark and reinforce trust in the renewable energy sector.

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Invest in solar energy

When you invest in Ouro, you're not just investing in a company. You're investing in the future of energy production. You're supporting the creation of a transparent and trustworthy renewable energy sector. You're promoting a future where data integrity in renewable energy is absolute.

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Are your carbon credits real?

Managed and secured by DComm Blockchain technologies, the Ouro architecture and platform guarantees data integrity, transparency and accessibility. Partnering with Ouro aims to be synonymous with supporting a future where renewable energy is viable and verified.

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Looking to invest in solar?
Partner with Ouro today.

Invest in solar energy

When you invest in Ouro, you're not just investing in a company; you're investing in the future of energy production. You're supporting the creation of a transparent and trustworthy renewable energy sector. You're promoting a future where data integrity in renewable energy is absolute.

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